Activate your SAMASA Alumni Membership

Sama-sama ang SAMASA Alumni sa pagsulong ng isang progresibo at inklusibong Pilipinas. Maging aktibong kasapi ng organisasyon — SAMASA tayo!

You are a SAMASA alumni if

You were a member in good standing of a SAMASA organization

You were an individual member of the SAMASA Party-Alliance

You were a member or supporter of the SAMASA Party-Alliance

Reconnect with SAMASA colleagues who share your desire for positive social change

Avail of assistance provided by SAMASA Alumni to fellow alumni

Elect or become one of SAMASA Alumni officials

Lead or participate in SAMASA alumni programs

Directly influence SAMASA policies and initiatives through general assemblies

Reconnect with SAMASA colleagues who share your desire for positive social change

Avail of assistance provided by SAMASA Alumni to fellow alumni

Elect or become one of SAMASA Alumni officials

Lead or participate in SAMASA alumni programs

Directly influence SAMASA policies and initiatives through general assemblies

How to activate your SAMASA Alumni membership

Submit your details through the Activation Form

Pay the membership fee.

Reach out to Ms. Eileen Matute, head of the SAMASA Alumni Association Membership committee via [email protected] or +632-9189385707.

Receive confirmation via email

*Candidates for membership should be nominated by a regular member. For supporters, they should be nominated by two regular members.

Membership fees

Annual Membership

Php 1,500

Lifetime Membership

Php 5,000

Payment options

[email protected]

902 Filgarcia Tower
140 Kalayaan Avenue
Diliman, Quezon City
Address Line 03

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